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Affinity Premier
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Our Plan Advantages
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Veteran and Locally Owned

We are a proud locally and veteran-owned pest control company, providing our neighbors with quality pest treatments.

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Same-Day Service

Don’t wait for relief from pest infestations. We offer same-day pest control in Idaho for prompt treatment.


Our Affinity Premier Pest Program eliminates and protects your home against the most common household pests, rodents, and mosquitos, and ticks. Starting at just $55/month, we will provide recurring services to ensure pest infestations don’t return. Here’s what you’ll receive:

Initial Inspection:

During the initial visit to your home, our exterminators will carefully inspect your home’s interior and exterior, identifying common entry and exit points for pests, termites, and mosquitoes.

Pest Control Treatments:

We will treat your home as necessary to eliminate all existing infestations. Once we clear the infestation, our exterminators will create a preventative pest barrier around your home with 3-4 recurring treatments a year.

Rodent Control:

Our rodent control includes the elimination and removal of present rodents, as well as exclusion work to prevent them from returning.

Targeted Mosquito Treatments:

Our mosquito control services focus on reducing the current population of mosquitoes through monthly treatments. By treating the places in your yard where mosquitoes tend to breed, we defeat them at the source.

Our Guarantee

Looking for a long-term solution for keeping pests out? Our Affinity Pest Control Programs protect from ants, spiders, roaches, rodents, ticks, and mosquitoes. Our treatments are family-friendly and if pest problems persist we’ll return to treat, free of charge.

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5 Star Review

John was very professional and answered all of my questions regarding the products that they use. He ssured me that nothing he used would hurt my dogs!

Lois Garland
5 Star Review

This is a company I would definitely recommend. Professional on time and prompt. I am very satisfied with their work.

Lowell Urwin
Main Office
5 Star Review

Technician was punctual and professional. Can’t ask for much more.

Joe Morgan
Main Office
Get Started Today! Call us at 208-515-7509 or